About Coco

About Coco Luo: The Heart Behind Wedogy

Hey there! I’m Coco Luo, the founder of Wedogy. Thanks for stopping by to learn a bit about me and the story behind our company.

My Journey to Wedogy

I didn’t always know I’d end up in the pet product business. For five years, I worked as an export sales representative for a pet supply company. During that time, I fell in love with my cat, Whiskers, and realized how much joy pets bring to our lives.

In 2018, I took a leap of faith. With $10,000 in savings and a ton of determination, I started Wedogy in my hometown of Guangzhou. It wasn’t easy—I remember spending countless nights at the factory, making sure our first batch of 1,000 dog harnesses was perfect.

Why Dog Accessories?

Dogs have always held a special place in my heart. When I saw how uncomfortable some harnesses were for my friend’s Golden Retriever, I knew I had to do something. That’s why Wedogy focuses on creating comfortable, stylish, and durable dog accessories.

Our Mission

At Wedogy, we’re not just making pet products—we’re creating happiness for dogs and their owners. Our goal is to become the go-to supplier for small pet businesses worldwide. We want to help you, our B2B partners, succeed by providing top-notch products that your customers will love.

How We Do Business

I believe in honesty, quality, and going the extra mile. That’s why we offer 24/7 customer support and a 30-day money-back guarantee on all our wholesale orders. Last year, we maintained a 98% on-time delivery rate and a 99.5% product satisfaction score.

Looking Ahead

We’re always innovating at Wedogy. This year, we’re excited to launch our eco-friendly line of dog accessories made from recycled materials. Our goal is to have 50% of our product range be sustainable by 2025.

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