No compromise on quality - Wedogy

Why Wedogy Focus on Quality

At Wedogy, quality is at the heart of everything we do. We understand that the safety and well-being of pets depend on the quality of the products they use. That’s why we are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in all aspects of our production process.

Our Quality Assurance Process

Material Safety Testing:

Non-Toxic Materials: We prioritize the health and safety of pets by using materials that are non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Each material is thoroughly tested to ensure it does not contain harmful chemicals that could affect pets’ health.

Hypoallergenic Testing: We ensure that the materials used in our collars and harnesses are safe for prolonged contact with pets’ skin. This includes testing for allergic reactions and ensuring the materials are gentle on pets.

Strength and Durability Testing:

  • Pull Tests: We perform rigorous pull tests to ensure our collars and harnesses can withstand the force exerted by active dogs. This involves applying a controlled amount of force to the product to ensure it does not break or deform under pressure.
  • Wear and Tear Simulations: Our products undergo simulations that replicate daily use to test their durability. This helps us understand how our collars and harnesses hold up over time and ensures they remain functional and safe throughout their lifespan.

Comfort and Fit Testing

  • Ergonomic Design Evaluations: Our design team conducts ergonomic evaluations to ensure that our collars and harnesses are comfortable for dogs to wear. This involves assessing the design to make sure it does not cause discomfort or restrict movement.
  • Adjustable Fit Tests: We perform adjustable fit tests to ensure our products can be easily adjusted to fit dogs of various sizes. This includes testing the adjustability and securing mechanisms to make sure they provide a snug yet comfortable fit.

Environmental Resistance Testing:

  • Weather Resistance: Our collars and harnesses are tested under various weather conditions to ensure they can withstand different environments. This includes exposure to rain, snow, and humidity to test water resistance and durability.
  • UV Resistance: We expose our products to UV light to test their resistance to sun damage. This helps ensure that our collars and harnesses remain strong and do not degrade or discolor when exposed to sunlight.

Testing & Certification

All our products comply with international safety standards. We conduct regular testing for durability and performance to ensure that our products are not only safe but also reliable.

ISO 9001:2015

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